
Rangers OUTREACH Newsletters!
The Australian Anglo Indian Melbourne Rangers Club mails the Rangers Outreach newsletter once every 3 months. Make sure to look out for yours in the letterbox!
The newsletter includes an update of the upcoming events of the club as well as other news-worthy articles. 

As a Member, how can I submit articles?
Members are encouraged to send in articles that will be considered for including on the newsletter. 
These articles must not exceed 500 words and can be emailed  or send  by post to the club's address

The website will also be updated with copies of the latest 3 newsletters that can be printed out.
Following are the club's last 3 issues of the RANGERS OUTREACH newsletters sent out to all active members:

Recent Newsletters
Newsletter May 2011

Previous Newsletters
Newsletter February 2010
Newsletter November 2010
Newlsetter October 2009

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